Kavi Nayar


the world by an indian raised in africa

Founder of Islamic TV in New York decapitated his wife

The founder of an Islamic TV channel in the state of New York have confessed decapitated his wife, according to authorities cited by CNN.

Muzzammil Hassan was accused of murder after police found the body of Aasiya Bridges at TV’s headquarters in Orchard Park, a suburb of Buffalo. The station was established to combat the stereotypes of Muslims in the U.S. spread.

Aasiya, who was victim of domestic violence, had entered the application for divorce on January 6. The police had been called several times to the residence of the couple by complaint of aggression committed by Muzzammil.

Muzzammil has two children with Aasiya and two of the previous marriage.

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Obama is the new hero of the adventure video game

The Internet can now help the U.S. president, Barack Obama, to save the world, thanks to a Peruvian company that changed the mandatory North American hero in a saga of videogames. “Obama has been kidnapped and only you can save it,” could be the synopsis of the game created by Games Inka (http://www.inkagames.com/), the first part of what is to be a series that turns the ruler in a cunning hero of adventures.

Mújica, a systems engineer since 2006 that creates games based on the current Peruvian and the world, built a fictitious situation: the kidnapping of Obama by an evil terrorist organization led by “BadHead”.

The game follows the adventures of mechanics who had their golden era of the 90s, which controls the mouse with a character you should use objects in the scene to solve puzzles. This time, however, the protagonist is the U.S. president, which boils very good humor and irony in his comments. Obama is the second Mújica, “not a superhero, but one of flesh and blood that resolves the problems.”

The relationship of Mújica with the video back to your childhood. But it was during the 2006 Peruvian presidential elections that, after leaving the job in a bank in Lima, he created his first project: a game in which even scoffed the nationalist candidate Ollanta Humala.

The Peruvian engineer for 34 years continued creating games, until in 2008 they converted into their main professional activity. The Inka Games, which has five employees, has since produced evidence on the extradition of former President Alberto Fuijmori (1990-2000) until the “Save Gaza” on the recent Israeli operation in the Palestinian territory.

According to him, another success are the forums where people discuss the issues related to games. Mújica recognizes that makes you like, because “if you can do a job because it pays you well, you pretty much start a business itself, especially when a company is where you earn money doing what they like.”

Thus, a new game promises Mújica of Obama every two weeks and, if possible, new projects to improve, albeit virtually, small and large problems of the world.

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Campaign for Obama rejects accusations of Sarah Palin

The campaign of Democratic candidate Barack Obama, candidate for U.S. presidency, rejected the statements of the candidate by the Republican Party vice, Sarah Palin, which he links’ with terrorists who shot our own country. “

The accusation was made on Saturday by referring to the proximity of Obama with Bill Ayers, a founder of the group Weather Underground, which launched a violent campaign against the Vietnam war and was accused by a series of explosions in the U.S. in the 60s, including the Pentagon and the Capitol. At the time, Obama was eight years old.

Obama and Ayers, now a university professor, met several times in 1995 when both worked for a non-profit institution trying to raise funds for a project to improve school and a philanthropic foundation.
According to CNN, which analyzed the project, nothing was found that could suggest anything inappropriate in the work of both.

The spokesman of the campaign of Democrat, Ben Labolt, said that the two did not speak by phone or exchanged emails since Obama went to the Senate in 2005 and their last meeting was accidental and occurred over a year ago in a street on the outskirts of Chicago, where both live.

The accusation of Palin was made in the wake of the announcement of the McCain campaign that intensify the attacks against Obama in the final straight.

– We see America as a great force for good in this world. Our opponent, though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that it is rendered with terrorists who might target our country – Palin said in an event for raising funds, in Colorado.

She cited an article published in the newspaper ‘The New York Times’ on the connection of Obama with Ayers. However, the article concluded saying that “the two men were not close. ‘Neither Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers’ who called’ someone engaged in acts detestáveis there 40 years ago when I was eight. “

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Michelle Obama, a new style of U.S. first lady

As U.S. first lady, Michelle Obama takes the experience of a lawyer of companies to the White House, but says its priority will be the role of “mother-in-chief” for the couple’s two daughters. The Democrat Barack Obama beat Republican John McCain in the presidential election on Tuesday and will be the first black to command the American presidency. Michelle will be the first black first lady.

At 44 years, she served as an earnest cable election of her husband. Michelle says, however, not want a political office in government.

– My main mission, in all honesty, will continue to be the ‘mother-in-chief’ – said in a recent interview, referring to his daughters Malia, age 10, and Sasha, 7 years.

Michelle also said he hopes to address ways for women to maintain balance work and family-care needs of families of soldiers. She also claimed that it could act as informal adviser to her husband, as was doing during the campaign.

Of children in the neighborhood working on Harvard fellowships and Princenton
The future first lady, who grew up in a neighborhood south of Chicago workers and that went to public school, usually talk about the her father – who worked in the public system of water in the city – and the values upheld by their parents.

After receiving scholarships to attend universities in art (Princeton and Harvard), Michelle worked at a law firm and the office of the mayor of Chicago. His most recent job was vice president of the University of Chicago Hospitals, a position in which received a salary higher than the husband.

Even that Obama is a family of means, in part because of the money won by Obama with his two books, Michelle always refers to the values she learned during her childhood and adolescence.

– When we grow up in a house in which we love and security and in which people make sacrifices for us, we have the obligation to return it – she said. – That is why community service has played so large a part of my life.

In his speech of victory, delivered the night of Tuesday in Chicago, Obama described his wife as “my best friend over the past 16 years, the rock of the family, the love of my life.” The president-elect says his wife has been a source of energy and kind of criticism that keep the feet on the ground.

The demonstrations of affection of the couple and the style of clothes used by Michelle – she has appeared in magazines such as Vogue and Essence – contribute to the image of the young candidate. Obama’s wife has a great popularity among Democrats, who appreciate the strength and intelligence designed by the future first lady. In February, however, Michelle caused controversy with a comment made during the campaign.

– For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country – said to an audience in Wisconsin. – And not just because Obama is doing well, but because I think people are eager to see changes.

The Conservatives described it then as unpatriotic, and those criticisms have left some angry black Americans, for whom patriotic issue would be used to alleviate the fight against racial inequality. Since then, Michelle spent much of his time supporting the families of American soldiers who fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Iran responds to hardening of Obama on nuclear program

The House this Saturday criticized the Iranian president-elect of the United States, Barack Obama, by saying, on the eve that the development of nuclear weapons in Iran is “unacceptable” in its government. The spokesman of the Parliament, Ali Larijani, called for Obama to promote a real change in U.S. policy for the country. In his first press conference after the victory over Republican John McCain, Obama said on Friday that there must be an international effort to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons.

– Obama has to know that the change of which he speaks is a fundamental change and not a change of color and tactics. Repeat the objections to the Iranian nuclear program is a step in the wrong direction – said Larijani. – You (Obama) should know that you (U.S.) can not stop the Iran

Obama was criticized by his opponents during the campaign after saying he was open to talks with U.S. rivals, including the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Although the two countries have cut off diplomatic relations in 1979 after the Iranian Islamic Revolution, Ahmadinejad greeted by Obama victory on Thursday, expressed hope that changes occur in internal and external policies of Washington.

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